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Common Name: Dwarf Water Lettuce 


This plant is grown and cultured in our own tanks. You will recive 6 specimens with at least 3 leaf blades and roots.

A floting plant that thrives and grows on the surface of the water and is a great addition to your open top aquariums and even ponds. Native to Africa where it was forst found near Lake Victoria on the river Nile. 

This plant is a great way to keep those nitrates in check. However, if not kept in check these plants can starve other plants of nutrients and also create to much shade for other aquatic plants. The roots offer a great hiding place for fry and bettas even use this to create their bubble nest.

Pistia stratiotes

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  • Check with local autorities if you can keep this plant. This plant does well in at least a 10 gallon aquarium with moderate lighting. To much lighting can burn the leaves. Keep track of nutrients as this plant can take up most of them and compete with other plants. 

    Easy to propegate as main plant sends out runners. Simply cut the runner from the main plant and now you have two plants. Remove access plants to avoid too much shadding. Dispose or relocate responsvly and aaproriatly.


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